
Friday, May 16, 2008

Bella & cuti-cuti Malaysia

Baru je selesai tgk ending cerita Bella.. A really good sad ending drama. Meleleh juga airmata duyung ku.. This time Elly Mazlin did so well. Lately, there r a lot of gud programmes in TV3 that we can watch thru' internet. Syukurlah..kurang sket rinduku kpd kampung halaman. Sesekali aku tengok melodi utk tgk gossip terkini.. kalau harapkan Starhub ni, RTM1 je la..tu pun kira baik dahh..ha ha!

Esok nak ke Kuching.. saja nak tukar angin. Monday terus balik KL for 3 wks.. Have to attend cousin's wedding on 1st. Sis wedding has been cancelled. Got to listen to the hot story la jawabnya. So, I won't be on the net till 7 June.. Bye Singapore!

1 comment:

  1. Huhu K CT bestnyer jenjalan... Balik ke tanah air tercinta selalu... :)

    Aku rindu nak naik keta MyVi mu...
