We also had a short peek at Lulu Centre for woman robe. A shop we entered offered reasonable price of about BD45 (approx RM450) but can go as low as BD35 for a 'bling bling' robe. That's cheaper than what you can get at the City Centre that can reach more than RM1k (could be different type of materials). OK lahh.. raya boleh pakai Arabian attire.. As usual, we had hypermarket sweep at Geant and Carrefour. And one think I realised, "orang2 kat City Centre lebih cantik & vogue dari yg kat Bahrain Mall!".. ha ha! I'm still comparing prices between Geant, Carrefour and Al-Jazira and looking for better milk & diapers. So far we have tried 5 brands of diapers/culottes and rejected Pampers. This week we change the milk coz the previous one (Milupa) seems not suitable for Fawwaz as he hardly poo. Limited choice, so we try Progress Gold. Kat M'sia minum Lactogen jek.. murah tapi bagus.
Our apartment is just few metres from the sea but the scenery doesn't look good to me lahh! Serabut sikit. Bolehlah untuk bersiar2 atau jogging atau exercise... But the dust may not allow you to go for outing in the open area oftenly especially new comers like us.
Kurma masih menghijau...
Yesterday (Sat) we went to the National Museum which has been opened since 1988 on the reclamed land. It was quite interesting to learn their history, culture, wealth, etc. Based on the pictures, we noticed that Bahrainis have an indian look with darker skin. But in person, they don't really looked so. Macam kita jugak kot, ada yg kuning langsat, hitam manis, sawo matang.. ha ha!
Pictures for this week....
For BD1 you can have these sweet & juicy ripening plums..
Giant lady bird & cockroach sesat di Bahrain City Centre.. and many more creatures
Baru lepas shopping groceries..
Wedding dress...
Wednesday market ..
Villagers activities
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